My favorite Books and authors

Friday, July 9, 2010

Men Are Different by Alan Bloch

This is a very short science fiction story that fits into 2 pages. I read it .... maybe 40 years back. Don't you think there must be something special to be remembered after 40 years. Yes, it has that magic in those special sci-fi stories.

This is a short note written by a robot about a man he met and befriended. The time... in the future... Set.... a faraway planetary system colonized by humans but only the robots have survived and they go on their work.
The note is about..maybe the last human being in that system.

Believe me! You too can enjoy it. It doesn't take five minutes to read.

It was a collection of short science fiction stories.

50 Short Science Fiction Tales (1963) [Anthology]


  1. A truly magnificent work. I tried to find more short-stories from Alan Bloch, but to no avail. A shame really. If you know more about him, could you please contact me at

    Best regards from Hungary
    Péter Szederkényi

    1. hello. can u help me understand the topic Humans are different because i'll be reporting it next week, and i can't find any materials for reporting in the internet like the summary and story analysis :) thanks

  2. Why is it that the setting is in the future? i do not understand my dear friend.

  3. As for my little understanding on the 5th dimension and the parallel worlds, past, present and the future all exist NOW we only are either late or early in experiencing the events. At the moment humans are trapped in a frame of four dimensions,(time included) that makes them to experience things in a sequential order. That is, we travel along time dimension at a constant rate and in only one direction. thanks for visiting the blog and comment.

  4. Is there any biography about Alan Bloch? as well as his picture? 'Cause I look everything on the internet and i can't find one. :( Please help me! :)

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