My favorite Books and authors

Friday, July 9, 2010

Men Are Different by Alan Bloch

This is a very short science fiction story that fits into 2 pages. I read it .... maybe 40 years back. Don't you think there must be something special to be remembered after 40 years. Yes, it has that magic in those special sci-fi stories.

This is a short note written by a robot about a man he met and befriended. The time... in the future... Set.... a faraway planetary system colonized by humans but only the robots have survived and they go on their work.
The note is about..maybe the last human being in that system.

Believe me! You too can enjoy it. It doesn't take five minutes to read.

It was a collection of short science fiction stories.

50 Short Science Fiction Tales (1963) [Anthology]

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke

This book was awarded both Hugo and nebula awards and is considered as a science fiction classic. At one time I was a science fiction addict. This is due to the fact that any newspaper or a magazine you put your hands on had something about space and space travel during my childhood. When the Sputnik orbited the earth  I was 6 years old. So, as children we got an overdose of information about the space, space travel and majority of science fiction was about space and the aliens. Add to that, Arthur C. Clarke was an honored and honorary citizen of my land. This story I enjoyed a lot.

The story is set in the year 2130. Scientist observe an asteroid and when it comes closer they realize that it is not an asteroid but an alien spaceship. The ship is a perfect cylinder 50 km long. A group of scientists enter the ship and explore the artificial world inside the  ship. It is an adventure in an totally different world.

A must-read for any sci-fi fan.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Memories of another day by Harold Robbins

Harold Robins is one of my favorite authors. I have read many books by him. He wrote more than 30 books.Many have been translated to other languages.. somewere adopted for fine films and the book on Hollywood and its history, Dream merchants were adopted for a TV series too.

 Memories of another day is the story of Dan Huggings, a boy from a poor family who goes to work in a coal mine becoming one of the most powerful trade union leaders in USA. Story of Memories of another day is told as a journey of discovery by Dan's son digging into the roots of his father. Anyway this book captivated  me with its lucid exposition of human nature and the deceit, and treachery going on behind the scenes of Trade Union movement. It reminds me of the Godfather by Mario Fuso.

Immensely readable. I could not keep it away till I finished.

Happy Reading!!

Some other books by Harrold Robbins that I have read;
Stilletoo,  Adventurers, Carpetbaggers, Dream Merchants, The Piranhas, Descent from Xanadu